Are You Considering Becoming A Christian?
God’s love is waiting patiently for you.
At the heart of the Uniting Church in Australia is the commitment to the two ‘Great Commandments’ that Jesus taught – to love God and to love your neighbour. It is a Church where people encourage one another to grow in their faith and to follow Jesus in the 21st century.
My name is Jeremy and I was brought up in a Buddhist family. I first came to the Christian faith when I was a teenager in Malaysia. An elderly neighbour who loved me as her grandson invited me to church. At the church, hell was described as a place of eternal fire. And Jesus, said the preacher, was the only way to escape hell. Out of fear, I decided to become a Christian.
The version of Christianity that I was exposed to then was mainly concerned about who’s going to heaven and who’s going to hell. Although heaven and hell was the starting point of my journey, now I realise that the Christian faith is about being connected to Jesus and being fully embraced in the love of God.
In 2015, towards the end of my doctoral study in New Zealand, I had almost abandoned my faith. I could not reconcile my sexuality and my faith. I left the church I was attending at the time. But, coincidentally, a friend has invited me to her church. Reluctantly, I went along.
In hindsight, her invitation was the beginning of a new chapter of my journey. I was fully accepted for who I am in this community of faith. Through this community, I began to understand that God’s love is for everyone – in fact, all of creation.
Sometimes people ask me whether there’s any evidence that God, the way Christians understand, exists. I’m not sure if I have a convincing answer.
But when I look at the stars on a clear night, something resonates in my heart. When I look at the vastness of the ocean, this image reminds me of the unimaginable volume of God’s love. When I reflect and meditate on Jesus, I experience his presence.
If you are reading my story, I wonder if it’s a coincidence or could it be a new chapter of your life?
Our Minister of the Northern Beaches Uniting Church are familiar with many of the joys and the challenges of moving to a new faith. The Northern Beaches is home to newcomers from all over the world, from many faiths and none. Our Minister is here to provide you with a welcome and with support on your Christian journey. When you are ready, baptism into the faith can take place in church or in our beautiful local natural environment. The Northern Beaches Uniting Church is a welcoming and cheerful community, with a wide cross-section of everyday people amongst whom you will certainly find companionship, and in many cases lasting friendships. If you’d like to take another step forward, then you could
- choose a church, turn up to a service and see how that feels
- contact a Minister and have a chat
- read some more about the Uniting Church in Australia
The Northern Beaches Uniting Church is here for you when you are ready.